Friday, November 30, 2007


I just thought I'd briefly catch everyone up...since I'm a super slacker!

Ellie and I moved into a rent house right off the square in Decatur...and it is WONDERFUL! Our new address is: 203 S. Trinity Street, Decatur, TX 76234.

Ellie is crawling like crazy and pulling up...and has started letting go of my hand trying to stand up all by herself! She's absolutely adorable! I will be sending out a Christmas card with Ellie's picture, so if I don't already have your address, or you want to make sure I do, email it to me!

I promise to upload the pictures from my digital camera THIS WEEKEND so I can post some of Thanksgiving and other stuff next week. I am making an early New Year's Resolution to be a better blogger! And just so you know...I have been keeping up with ALL of your blogs...just not posting!

Thanks, Logan, for making me feel guilty for not posting. Shout out!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Random Baby Time!

Here are some random photos I thought you might enjoy! This is after church on Sunday. The floor is REALLY exciting!

This is a swim suit that Meghan & Kattie Foster gave Ellie. We tried it on...and it fits perfectly! Now I have to take her to the pool! She's such a model.

Random Mommy & Ellie photo. This might have been my birthday dinner night or something.

Ellie and I went to eat with our friends Candice and Kattie at Yesterday's Texas in Decatur. This is Ellie laughing in her carseat. I think she had a good time!

This is Candice and Kattie. Little can you tell...Candice had stepped off the tractor from rake-ing? raking? / bale-ing? baling? hay only an hour before! What a trooper. And lookin good!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Birthday 2007

Now that I've posted all about Ellie's Birth Day...I thought I'd post some pictures from mine! On my actual birthday, July 7th, my friends and I went to a Ranger game and got to hang out in a suite! It was a are some pictures from that!
The goofy guy in the white visor is Leddy...and the Asian next to him is Mark. And the blonde next to him is Alexis. And I have no idea who the rest of the people were!
This is me, Candice and Ellie. I was forced to wear a crown. The shirts we are all wearing say "Still the Same Ol' Cindy, After All These Years!" And have my beautiful sophomore high school picture on them. Both things are jokes...the Cindy is a joke because a lady at work calls me Cindy. Sometimes she calls me Christie. But mostly Cindy.
Mommy and Ellie!
BLUE EYES! #1 is smiling and #2 is...frowning?
Luke, me and Ellie. It appears Luke is about to put my crown on!

On Sunday, July 8th, we had my family birthday...which was made extra special because Ellie was there! We went to eat at Joe's Crab Shack, and Ellie LOVED looking at the huge shark hanging from the ceiling.

Travis and me. Man he's a cutie!

Ellie sitting at the table...just chillin!

Dad and Travis

Mom and Ellie...apparently deep in thought.

Mom and Travis...her eyes are OPEN! This rarely happens! It was a great birthday present.

All in all it was a great birthday! I had SO much fun with friends and family. Thanks to everyone who celebrated with me! I love you!

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Arrival: Part 2

While Ellie and I were in the hospital...we received lots of well wishes: cards, phone calls, a balloon bouquet, and visitors! Here are a few highlights from the rest of our time in the hospital! And thank you to EACH one of you who sent a text or card or called or came was so special to us!

Did you know they have people who come around and force you to take pictures of your baby? Honestly it wasn't that bad...but as a new mom (and new grandparents)...we were all a little weirded / freaked out. A REALLY peppy lady came into our room with a cart and slapped a bow on Ellie's head:

She handed Ellie to her Papa and made him hold her several different ways for pictures:

Please note that the Picture Lady stuck her finger IN Ellie's mouth (I don't remember why)! She did have on gloves (which made me feel safe until her Papa said he figured she probably used the same glove for all the babies....WHAT!?!?!?!). Here's a picture of me from the "photo shoot" with Picture Lady. I figured this one wasn't too bad.

Two of my good friends from college and work at DBU came to see Ellie and I! For those of you who did not ever work in Apartment Life or hang out with me after I graduated...the following will not make any sense to you. For those of you who did: you're welcome. ("Hull-ew?" "What doing?" "Ahhh yes." "Biggie Smalls!" "YEESH!" "Logan." "HO-kay peace out!" "D mi-NUS!" "The Trustee Show.") Those are just a few good memories. Oh...and let's throw in a "Christmas Bush Lighting" for any DBU'ers out there.

Here's a picture of John (aka: "Sam") Adams holding Ellie:

And here's a picture of Andy Maier holding Ellie:

The Spence's sent us an AMAZING balloon bouquet to welcome Ellie! It was precious to me that they were so thoughtful, not to mention the fact that DeAnn's doctor used to be Dr. McAlpine! God gave me a peace about using Dr. McAlpine the day I came to work and DeAnn and I talked about him. She was a great support during my pregnancy and always seemed to tell me how good I looked...even when I felt like a whale! Here's the balloon bouquet (it's actually much bigger than the picture!) and Nana telling Ellie about it!

This should be it for the Arrival posts unless I find more pictures hidden somewhere else! :)

Friday, July 13, 2007


This is just a quickie post to tell you Ellie slept through the night last night! I think she really just wore herself out (we went to dinner last night with Candice and Kattie)...but I'm still going to count it! This is the first time ever! I don't expect this to happen every night, or even again for a while, but I was really happy for her. I definitely freaked out a little bit around 2 a.m. when I hadn't been woken up yet, but I think that's normal. I was even a little sad that she went through the WHOLE night last night and didn't really "need" me at all! But it is what is supposed to happen, I know!

Anyway...I had to document the occasion. I'll get another post up this weekend with some pictures!

Monday, June 25, 2007

A Flashback: Ellie's Arrival!

I am going to make an attempt to re-create a little of Ellie's arrival through some of the pictures my family and friends took that Saturday and Sunday. And Monday. And Tuesday. :) I have several pictures that I may add later on here when I get them on the if I do...I will let you know in another post! I will try to keep all the "Arrival" stuff together. I also want to say that some of these may be a little forgive me!

Although I had said all along that I thought she was going to come early, it was still a bit of a surprise when I realized I was actually going to HAVE her! Six days before my due date (April 20th), I began having contractions and went to the hospital. Below is a picture of the Emergency Room I entered through at Baylor Medical Center Southwest in Fort Worth. I have to say that I had the most WONDERFUL delivery room and the most INCREDIBLE nurses. I am a huge advocate for two things: epidurals and Baylor Southwest. I recommend both!

I was admitted to the hospital at some point later on Saturday evening...they waited a while (HOURS) to tell me if they were actually going to keep me...and if I was actually going to have Ellie or not! My contractions were right on with timing, but not much was changing physically. Fortunately I had an AWESOME nurse who talked my doctor into keeping me overnight. When Toni (my first nurse) came to tell me I was going to stay overnight...she also told me that I would definitely be having Ellie one way or another the next day! Dr. McAlpine decided he would induce me the next morning if I still had not progressed enough. I was SO excited and SO nervous! And in SO much pain!

Below is a picture of my two besties! Coach Candice is on the left and Hootie (Alexis) is on the right. This picture was taken post-epidural on Sunday morning. They made me lay on my side a lot!

Everyone was so tired on Sunday - Mom and Candice stayed up with me all night before I got the epidural. It was exhausting for everyone...and I have to say they both were amazing! They literally stood up with me and swayed back and forth all night during EVERY SINGLE contraction! As you can tell from the previous picture, they also had me on oxygen to help Ellie. I got in a lot of trouble from my second nurse, Kim (pictured below), for taking these pictures without my mask on!

At 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, my nurse Kim told me it was time to start pushing! With the help of Mom, Candice and only took about 45 minutes of pushing before Ellie arrived (1:11 p.m.)! Dr. McAlpine showed up just in time to take care of a few things and deliver Ellie quickly and safely. He was such a blessing to have throughout my entire pregnancy...and I have one thing to say..."pushpushpushpushpushpush" (He is South African and VERY soft-spoken! I had to get Candice to interpret some of what he was saying to me during labor!). So below are some of the first pictures of Ellie and Dr. McAlpine, me and Ellie, Ellie, and the Sherrell family!

This is Papa, Uncle Travis, Nana, Ellie and Mom!

This is Ellie and her Uncle Travis. I think they like each other!

And finally here's one of Ellie in the nursery. She looks so long! She was 5 pounds 13 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long.

That's it for the looking for the Arrival Part 2...Coming Soon!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Pictures Are NOT That Hard!

So...apparently I am a big dummy. Putting pictures on here is SO easy! Since I am using dial-up, it takes FOREVER to load the darn things, but at least I know how to do it now! In lieu of a post, I am going to put some pictures...because I KNOW you are dying to see them! :) Plus I've been talking about it for way too long. I am planning on going back and doing a few posts from babby* showers, the hospital, and the past two months. But for now, I will just put as many pictures as I can stand to upload on the slow dial-up!

Okay apparently the number of pictures for today will be one. This is my current favorite anyway! She is looking over her Papa's shoulder...and in case you can't tell...those big eyes are blue! We'll see if they stay that way - but they are gorgeous!

Anyway, sorry to only post one picture, but at least you now have ONE! Love you all, and I will try to post more soon...maybe this afternoon if we have time.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Drooling? Chewing? Pulling? Teething?

Alright people...listen up. By popular demand, I will be adding pictures to this blog. Tomorrow. Ellie and I are going to visit Melissa and Joshua and Babby* Dos Murrell and Melissa has PROMISED /slash/ THREATENED to walk me through the picture posting. So it will be done. You will have pictures. And I can't blame those of you who beg/plead/threaten me. She's totally worth it!

Okay...first I'd like to say that I got a job! I went last Thursday to apply for a part time administrative position at a company, and ended up being interviewed for the full time Office Manager position. They called the next day and offered it to me...and I started on Monday! So I've been working this entire week...and it has been good and bad and fun and hard! I hate being away from Ellie all day, but I couldn't ask for a better caregiver for my girl. My mom is keeping her, and despite Ellie's constant fussyness / tantrums, she is doing amazing. My dad slips in and helps when he's not busy, too. They are great and I couldn't be happier that she's home with them! Not to mention the fact that I get to come home during lunch and feed her and spend time with her, since I only work ten minutes away! It has been a huge blessing, and I really enjoy the people I work with. It's so weird going from working with almost all men at my last few jobs to working with ALL women...but it's really cool, too. They are almost all nurses and are really intelligent and care for the people they work for. My job is extremely challenging and busy, so that helps keep me distracted from thinking about being away from Ellie. All in all, I think God knew exactly what I needed.

Second...Ellie has been a little weird the past few days-ish. Now, I know that I have been at work and that it is a huge adjustment for her...but I think something else is going on. My mom LIVES by the "What To Expect" book series, and has been doing a lot of reading. Ellie started drooling excessively about a week ago (which we read is normal around ten weeks). Ellie started pulling her ears more than normal recently (which we read is something to soothe and calm herself). Ellie started chewing on her hands frequently when she isn't hungry (which we read is part of the sucking reflex). Ellie has also been a little distracted during her feedings...and is refusing the bottles a little more the past two days. She actually only ate about an ounce and a half the ENTIRE time I was at work (excluding the lunch feeding). Which combined with all the other symptoms...suggested that she might be TEETHING? If you are anything like probably just said "What the heck?"...or your own choice word. Apparently some babies can start teething this early, or show symptoms of teething for months before they even GET teeth. Okay moms...this is where you give me advice and tell me if you have EVER heard of this before. I think it is ridiculous...but possible? I don't know. Maybe she's just having a hard time with me being at work. I guess we'll see a little more this weekend when I spend two full days with her again.

Just to refresh everyone's memory...I will be adding at least ONE picture within the next two days. And I will post about Babby*. Don't think I have forgotten. But I'd like to post the picture with we are on hold until tomorrow.

I'm good at teasers. I should work for NBC.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm Slow. So Slow! But This Is Long.

So I have obviously had Ellie...almost TWO months ago now! She will be two months old on June 15th...and I think I'm the slowest EVER at getting back on the internet and posting! But here it is. I'm posting! Allow me to do a quick blurb on the birth...

It was long. LONG! seemed long anyway. :) I started having contractions at about 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 14th. I watched them for a while, and when they were the right length apart for two hours...we left for the hospital! This was around 3:30 p.m. that afternoon. I was in labor all night...and was given an epidural and pitocin around 5 or 6 a.m. on April 15th. I got to rest for a while (I am now a COMPLETE advocate for epidurals!)...and was able to start pushing at 12:30 p.m. Ellie was born at 1:11 p.m. on April 15th! She was healthy, and although there were some complications during labor...everything turned out just fine!

So here we are, almost 2 months later, and Ellie has completely turned my world upside down! She is beautiful and SO sweet! I have loved every minute of being a mom...even the hard ones! I am lucky to be her mom...and I know with a lot of praying and advice from others...hopefully I won't screw her up too badly! :)

I also quit my job...which was a huge leap of faith for me! It sounds crazy, yes, but I just felt it was the right thing to do for both of us. I have been doing an online teacher certification program since December, and am finishing that up. And I'm applying for teaching positions and other random administrative stuff...and praying that the right thing will happen and that I will be open to it. Needless to say, I have been busy and a little stressed out! I am also making a promise to figure out how to add pictures on here, and that once I figure it out, that I will post some. I have a million people that I still have not sent pictures if that's you...I apologize! Please don't hate me. As I said in the beginning - I'm slow! So slow! Before I end this FIRST post since Ellie's birth, I want to say a few not very brief words about some of the people who have supported me endlessly (so if you get bored easily...MOVE ON!):

CANDICE - You have been my ROCK since I found out I was going to have Ellie. You looked at the stick. You were at every doctor's appointment. You held my hand through some rough phone calls. You went shopping with me. You told me I looked better than the other pregnant women when I didn't. You bought me Ginger Altoids and anything else I needed to help my morning sickness. You intervened when I almost killed a few people with my bare hands. You almost killed a few people with your bare hands. You stopped at Sonic on the way to work every day. You drove me when I was too tired or achy or fat. You listened to me whine and complain. You threw me two babby* showers. You left work early to come stand and sway and hold my hair back for 24 hours. You cut the cord. You brought me pizza. You gave Ellie her first Vacay...including her first ride in a car with a calf. I love you. I couldn't have done it without you. You are completely unselfish. You are my hero.

MOM & DAD - You guys have been there for Ellie and I in ways I never imagined. You have held my hand and hers through some of the most difficult and exciting times in our lives. I love you both for who you are and for how much you have cared for and loved my daughter. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I am forever grateful to God for giving me such amazing parents. Thank you.

TRAVIS - The always stable and always loving brother. I am so happy you are Ellie's uncle. She has no idea what an amazing and fun person you are to be around...although she will learn! You have been an incredible support for Ellie and me. I cannot begin to thank you enough for just being you. And for the competition you have provided over the years...even if it is just a high-kick contest! ;) I love you with all my heart. I couldn't imagine my life without you.

HOOT - You will always be so precious to me. You have a heart of gold...and you inspire me. You are always encouraging. I know Ellie has no idea what "dressing up" means yet...but she soon will. And I know she will have just as much fun doing it as we did. I love you. Thank you for everything.

I know this doesn't even begin to scrape the surface of the people who have supported Ellie and me...but I had to name a few. For those of you I didn't name - I love you, and I can't wait for Ellie to meet each and every one of you. I know she will cherish you as much as I do. I am blessed.

*For those of you who have not already heard, the word "baby" no longer exists. It has been replaced by "babby". The word "babby" will receive it's own short post, explaining the origin and meaning, etc., as it is most deserving. So for now...all you have is this teaser. Maybe it will entice you to keep reading!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Yay For New Sonagrams! Or So You Think.

I've always heard people say, "You know kids! They have a mind of their own." Well, I think my daughter is already displaying hers. I was so so SO excited to be having another sonagram! It was scheduled for March 8th, and I was bringing a whole slew of people. My friends Candice and Alexis were coming, and my mom was actually going to get to come this time - which was SO exciting! We arrived (a little late) and were taken back to see my baby girl! I just KNEW I was going to get to see her face and her cute little hands and everything!

Except for the fact that she had her back to us the ENTIRE time. Which apparently, according to the Sonagram Lady, is great positioning for birth. So we're all ready to go and in position...but no cute sonagram pictures. The only picture I have is of her head. The TOP of her head. It's a circle. (I guess I should be happy it wasn't square or something, right?)

Those kids! They have a mind of their own. I actually got to SEE Ellie's mind on her sonagram. That's about all we saw.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Please Don't Say "Hatched"

There aren't many things that have offended me during my pregnancy, other than someone taking too long with food or getting my order wrong (and the occassional ridiculously small and stupid thing that immediately sets me off). But a lady I see MAYBE once every 3 months has done it. Why? WHY on God's green earth would you as me when my baby is hatching? When my little chick will be here? And THEN ask me what FLAVOR it is? WHY?

I guess I have less patience than I used to. I'm normally a pretty calm person. I'm usually not totally irrational, and I don't have a flaming temper. But when things like this are said to me...these days it makes my face turn red and steam come out of my ears! I realize she does not have children, and that she couldn't possibly know that I'm not just comfortably and easily incubating a chicken in my stomach for nine months. She doesn't know it's a PROCESS that is sometimes really uncomfortable and weird and scary...and that I don't just "plop" an egg out one day. Sadly it's not that easy.

Fortunately I stopped myself from throwing my stapler at her...since the lady was sitting at MY desk reviewing my files and grading them. Fortunately for her she left the facility before I went "Crazy Christie" on her (and yes, if you're wondering, this is actually another personality that I now possess). Fortunately Candice was there to help me laugh it off when I started going nuts as soon as I knew she left the building.

Moral of the story: Please do not ever, EVER ask me when my chick is "hatching". And PLEASE do not ask me what FLAVOR it is! That insinuates that you want to lick my child...and that makes me want to throw up and never let you see my child. EVER.

~Crazy As Ever (aka: Christie)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Does This Diaper Make My Butt Look Big?

Although the thought of actually HAVING Ellie and RAISING her is really's also really exciting, too! I take some comfort in the fact that I have a supportive family and wonderful friends who are there for me at every turn...even when it involves Prepared Childbirth Classes and doctor's appointments. I also find great joy in buying hilarious onesies for my daughter...that will hopefully either embarrass her or make her laugh later in life. Laughter is the goal, but I think it's a parent's job to embarrass their child a little bit. I hope I can do both. :)

I just wanted to share that I am in the market for funny (and not totally inappropriate) onesies and shirts for babies. My current favorite is a pink onesie I bought at Target that says, "Does this diaper make my butt look big?" GENIUS. I love it! Ellie will definitely have a picture in it...and yes, her diaper will make her butt look big. Fortunately she probably won't care.

Let me know if you find any great onesies or shirts anywhere...I'd love to go pick them up! I like the idea of raising a well-rounded and really funny child. I think this can only add to her personality!