Sunday, June 24, 2007

Pictures Are NOT That Hard!

So...apparently I am a big dummy. Putting pictures on here is SO easy! Since I am using dial-up, it takes FOREVER to load the darn things, but at least I know how to do it now! In lieu of a post, I am going to put some pictures...because I KNOW you are dying to see them! :) Plus I've been talking about it for way too long. I am planning on going back and doing a few posts from babby* showers, the hospital, and the past two months. But for now, I will just put as many pictures as I can stand to upload on the slow dial-up!

Okay apparently the number of pictures for today will be one. This is my current favorite anyway! She is looking over her Papa's shoulder...and in case you can't tell...those big eyes are blue! We'll see if they stay that way - but they are gorgeous!

Anyway, sorry to only post one picture, but at least you now have ONE! Love you all, and I will try to post more soon...maybe this afternoon if we have time.


Janelle and Ella said...

That picture is adorable!! It was so good to see you and Ellie Saturday!! I was so excited to finally get to meet that sweet girl.

Rach said...

Christie, she is precious!!!!!!! I can't wait to see more pics! You poor thing on dial up...I would have only put one up as well! As for the teeth, it could be possible. I don't remember when exactly Hudson started teething but the drooling and stuff definitely came way before the teeth! Keep some teethers handy! Hudson liked chewing on a cold wet could see if she likes that...when the time comes! I am so glad things are going well for you two and can't wait for more updates!!

Kristin said...

Congratulations on your precious baby girl. I heard about your blessing, but I am so glad that I get to see cute pictures of her!!! I hope that we get to see her in person sometime soon...and you too :)