Friday, April 4, 2008

You Guys! I Did It!

Okay so I'm finally posting some updated pics! For the sake of time and not boring you to death...I'm just gonna smash all these in here together. And...just so you know...I have internet at home now! Thanks to Kevin for getting that set up, because I now have the means to blog more often!*

*DISCLAIMER: Please let it be known that because I now have the capability to post pictures does not necessarily mean I will. It also does not obligate me to do so...even when I have promised to.
Okay, JOKES! I really am going to try to get better now that it's quick and easy. And I am resolving to keep my camera battery charged! And I love you guys and I hope you enjoyed the pics. There will be more to come. :) If you can believe that!

Friday, March 28, 2008

A General Apology To Those Who Love My Kid:

I am quite aware that my blogging skills have been somewhat/completely lacking lately! Ellie looks so much different and does so much more since I last blogged! I will say...Ellie walks, is starting to "talk" (I can understand her words sometimes!) and eat all kinds of random junk. She especially likes to put things like pieces of carpet and plastic in her mouth.

I have some Easter pics I'm going to upload be ready! And Ellie turns one on April I WILL...hear this...WILL! post a blog about that. I'm sure I will be like most of my friends who end up crying because their baby is so big! I think it comes with the territory. sincerest, deepest apologies to those of you who have begged and demanded and bribed me to blog. I will make it up to you. Maybe I should just come visit each one of you...that apparently is easier for me to schedule...and so much more fun! Ellie would love to play with your hair. Or pull your kids.

Love you all. Thanks for your friendship and love and support!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Zoo!

I haven't posted in forever! Ellie is 9 months old now and really ready to walk! She's babbling like crazy and has such a hilarious personality! I took her to the Gainesville Zoo a few weeks ago when it was really nice outside, and here are some pictures! She wasn't as excited as I had hoped, but she did get a real kick out of standing up and holding onto the wooden rails, her toys, and the people that walked by. I think the only animal she was even remotely interested in was a turkey! We could have gone to my parents backyard for that...

Hope you enjoy the pics! I have a few from Christmas to post soon!