Friday, June 22, 2007

Drooling? Chewing? Pulling? Teething?

Alright people...listen up. By popular demand, I will be adding pictures to this blog. Tomorrow. Ellie and I are going to visit Melissa and Joshua and Babby* Dos Murrell and Melissa has PROMISED /slash/ THREATENED to walk me through the picture posting. So it will be done. You will have pictures. And I can't blame those of you who beg/plead/threaten me. She's totally worth it!

Okay...first I'd like to say that I got a job! I went last Thursday to apply for a part time administrative position at a company, and ended up being interviewed for the full time Office Manager position. They called the next day and offered it to me...and I started on Monday! So I've been working this entire week...and it has been good and bad and fun and hard! I hate being away from Ellie all day, but I couldn't ask for a better caregiver for my girl. My mom is keeping her, and despite Ellie's constant fussyness / tantrums, she is doing amazing. My dad slips in and helps when he's not busy, too. They are great and I couldn't be happier that she's home with them! Not to mention the fact that I get to come home during lunch and feed her and spend time with her, since I only work ten minutes away! It has been a huge blessing, and I really enjoy the people I work with. It's so weird going from working with almost all men at my last few jobs to working with ALL women...but it's really cool, too. They are almost all nurses and are really intelligent and care for the people they work for. My job is extremely challenging and busy, so that helps keep me distracted from thinking about being away from Ellie. All in all, I think God knew exactly what I needed.

Second...Ellie has been a little weird the past few days-ish. Now, I know that I have been at work and that it is a huge adjustment for her...but I think something else is going on. My mom LIVES by the "What To Expect" book series, and has been doing a lot of reading. Ellie started drooling excessively about a week ago (which we read is normal around ten weeks). Ellie started pulling her ears more than normal recently (which we read is something to soothe and calm herself). Ellie started chewing on her hands frequently when she isn't hungry (which we read is part of the sucking reflex). Ellie has also been a little distracted during her feedings...and is refusing the bottles a little more the past two days. She actually only ate about an ounce and a half the ENTIRE time I was at work (excluding the lunch feeding). Which combined with all the other symptoms...suggested that she might be TEETHING? If you are anything like probably just said "What the heck?"...or your own choice word. Apparently some babies can start teething this early, or show symptoms of teething for months before they even GET teeth. Okay moms...this is where you give me advice and tell me if you have EVER heard of this before. I think it is ridiculous...but possible? I don't know. Maybe she's just having a hard time with me being at work. I guess we'll see a little more this weekend when I spend two full days with her again.

Just to refresh everyone's memory...I will be adding at least ONE picture within the next two days. And I will post about Babby*. Don't think I have forgotten. But I'd like to post the picture with we are on hold until tomorrow.

I'm good at teasers. I should work for NBC.


Janelle and Ella said...

Yea!! Love the update. I can't wait to see you in a couple of hours. Did Melissa tell you that Ella and I are coming over?
And we can talk about the drooling/teething thng.

Cindy Jo said...

Hey girl!!! Yes, teething happens early sometimes. Dylan started about 9 months. It took him a long time to get the teeth in, and boy was he a drooler!!! He and I both were soaked all the time. Get Ellie a couple teething rings and freeze them. They sure come in handy. I sure can't wait to see the little cutie!!! And you too! You know I love ya babe!!! Anyway, better go, but now that I know you have this set up, I will be checking in. Tell Uncle Bob and Aunt Paula and Travis I said howdy! Love ya girl! Cindy Jo

Kiarra said...

Girl, Camryne has the exact same symptoms and people thought I was nuts when I said she's teething. Fussy as all get out, chewing on her hand, drooling excessively and not wanting to eat. OMG, this is so weird that Ellie is experiencing this too. Now I know I'm not nuts. :)

Love yur blog, I need to set one of these up for my little Cam Cam.